Middle Katun (rafting+excursions, Altai)

This route introduces the most abounding in water river of Gorny Altai. Local people connect the name Katun with the word Kadyn which means “the reigning woman, female master, female commander”. The road to the beginning of the route lies along the famous Chuisky highway, which connects Russia and Mongolia. Along the way tourists will go through two passes – Semeensky (the highest point of the Chuisky highway) and Chicket-Aman. Two excursion days will allow tourists to meet closer the historical and ethnographical monuments and culture of the people, living in Altai.

Special features of the route:

The water part of the route doesn’t require from tourists any special training or experience of the water rafting. The category of difficulty of this route is 4 (by the 6-point scale). The tourists should be ready for spending nights in tents and to the various weather.

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Discovery Siberia

Full itinerary

Day 1. Arrival to Novosibirsk. Accommodation. Sightseeing around the city. Departure to Altai. Night moving.
Day 2.The further road deep into Altai lies along the famous Chuisky highway. Having overcome the highest pass – Semeensky, the tourists go down to the Karakolskaya valley. Accommodation in the Karakolsky ethno natural park “Ooch Anmek”. Evening program: dining the national Altaian cuisine, folk program and banya (Russian sauna).
Day 3.Excursion “The Mysteries of the holy valley” (going by car or riding the horses). Karakolskaya valley has a lot of archeological, ethnographical and natural monuments and has a status of an especially guarded territory.

Moving out to the settlement Bolshoy Yaloman. Arriving to the beginning of the route. Accommodation in tents.

Day 4.After breakfast the group led by guides is starting to get ready for the rafting. Each tourist gets the personal water equipment. After lunch we’re beginning the rafting down the Katun. During the first hour of rafting there are no serious obstacles in the river and so tourists get used to their rafts and learn to control them. After 10 km the group is coming to the Eelgumensky rapids – the first big rapids on the route. The length of the rapids is around 300 m (985 ft), powerful water and 3-meter-high waves let tourists feel what to expect ahead of them. 17 km are covered during this day. Settling down at the mouth of the river Ailagoosh.
Day 5. The most serious rafting day in the route. The tourists should expect several rapids named after someone. The rafting starts with going through Cadrinskaya tube – 9-kilometer section of rapids with big waves, rocky narrowing and whirlpools. Then after a little rest the group comes to the Shabash rapids – the most serious obstacle in the river. These rapids consist of two steps and tourists overcome it with a beforehand scouting and with a safe rope (safety belt). 28 km are covered during this day. Settling down in the pine forest opposite the confluence of the Ursool river.
Day 6.The group is continuing the rafting along the relatively calm section of the river. There are no serious obstacles during this day, but the Kayancha and Ayalinsky rapids will keep the tourists tense. Lunch at the place near the Kemechapkyn brook. Here the tourists will be able to see the ancient rock paintings-petroglyphs which are 500 years old, and the remains of the grave tumulus at the place of the ancient settlement. During this day 42 km are covered. In the morning taking the rafts to pieces and moving out to the Chemal settlement. Accommodation in the hotel. Banya (Russian sauna).
Day 7.Sightseeing around the settlement Chemal with visiting the hydroelectric power station, temple on the Patmos island.
Day 8.Returning to Novosibirsk. Flying to Moscow (the further departure according to the route).